Israeli Leaders Before The International Criminal Court




Un essai de Christophe Oberlin

Christophe Oberlin, témoin privilégié du terrain palestinien depuis vingt ans, et en même temps familier des rouages de la Cour pénale internationale, retrace ici les offensives sanglantes sur la Bande de Gaza, l’accumulation tranquille des crimes les plus odieux. « Nous savons où va chaque balle », déclare l’état-major israélien. Se doute-il que chaque crime, dûment documenté, est rapporté à la Cour pénale internationale ? Un travail médicolégal opiniâtre et confidentiel commencé en 2014 qui permet aux victimes palestiniennes et notamment de la Bande de Gaza d’être aujourd’hui partie prenante à l’enquête qui va s’ouvrir à La Haye.


Format 145 x 190mm
128 pages
EAN : 9782367602141

Prix public : 15€
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#israël, #palestine, #cpi, #sionisme

The turn of the 21st century was marked by two contradictory events. The attacks of September 11, 2001, the starting point for an unprecedented military rampage leading to the destruction of entire countries under the pretext of the fight against terrorism; but also, unnoticed, the entry into operation of the first permanent criminal court for war crimes in April 2002. This was a tangible realisation of the peoples’ aspiration for more rights and justice, a silent protest by 60, then 123 countries against the strategy of chaos.

Twenty years later, as the most extreme violence continues to befall the peoples of the Middle East, and as retaliatory attacks continue in Europe, following a long but fruitful path the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court announced the opening of an investigation into crimes committed in the State of Palestine. A shock that makes the Israeli and American sides scream, and simultaneously astounds the victims, who find it hard to believe. The thunder of the bombs has for years been drowning out the discreet ticking of the metronome of law, which oscillates unflinchingly. The Israeli leaders are no longer the masters of the clock.

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